So this is wat happened...this morning went out to LRT station by my housemate coz i wanna go KL sentral to meet Daniel Chiam...both were excited coz we get to get interview from the same company that we found on the net...we apploed and they called us up for interview... the LRT was like full of ppl.....and the LRT stopped 4 stations along the way and guess one can come in into the LRT...kelian dem lo....and pitty me also kena squeeze inside....>.<>.< but we kinda "Bo Lui"....not dont have we need the money lo...haiz...den now my head thinking wan dun wan dun wan....haiz.... Den there we met a new fren and we went out to lunch together and accompany new fren to buy handphone and we went back home....i was damn tired and rest online for a while den fall to sleep liao....coz the weather is so so so hot... Den evening wake up liao pompom and den went to church for PRAYER MEETING~ met up church frens and praise and worship was heart and my mind is jus in peace....pray to to HIM in heart...lifted all the burdens to HIM asking HIM to guide and the wjole church is jus keep praying....God's presense is so strong. The whole church is so on fire praying out loud...den we listen to the words of God in the bible...Book of JONAH... after finished listening to the audio bible...den we pray for our building fund and church's new excited about it...kekeke.....cant wait.... n_n

This is how our church looks like when we praise and worship...i'll upload more of our church pic...:)
Finally after Prayer meeting we went for supper+dinner...muahaha...fellowship time...most fav time of all...kekeke.....crazy like dunno like wat.... macam-macam ada...kekeke......
hmmm.....i think this all lah for a day...keke....
"so Father God i pay that you protect us and strengthen us the next day so we can walk strong in you O God, and i also pray that you lead us to our destiny God that you had planned for Father once agn i pray for my cell group members and my church frens, leaders and pastor and family that You protect us and bless us with Your mercy and grace....and i pray all that in JESUS name....Amen" n_n
i think pretty gud huh end my blog with prayer all the time...kekeke...
kla...anything jus drop msg or comment...kekeke....
sign off nu *PooF*
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